but it seems to involve killing various people, who are thought to be associated with someone you don't like, and perhaps torturing the person you don't like over a long period of time... i pray i pray that this quite often oppressive and in MY EXPERIENCE sometimes vile people will soon be got out of Britannia, that is England and Cymru, the sooner they are gone the happier i will be - roll on scotch independance and a population exchange like kemal ataturk arranged with Greece after WWI!
Although I believe 3rd generation and longer immigrants don't preserve this kind of attitude, especially if they are mixed ancestry.
come to think of it, don't we need to do the same thing with the irish - there are far too many of them over here - i think most of the so-called anglo-irish have come over here, welcome, but the catholics need repatriating... haha if they all went to ulster (there a 5 million caths in england and cymru) they would get independance at the next election i s'pose. then the scots-irish could go back home to ayrshire, strathmartine and over empty areas of scotland like sutherland... then they would drive any english or cymraeg settlers back here to fill the gaps left by the irish... at last to be one country without any enemies within, no wars between neighbours or in the cities and towns and villages, no fifth columnists...