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i am exploring the pagan heathen paths, learning all the time, seeking frith

Thursday, 26 March 2009

wheather spells

african witch doctors are known to do rain dances to bring the rain clouds their way... but where do they bring them from?

my, totally amateurish, predictions of world climate, based on the earths rotation and a guestimated distortion for highs and lows created by temperature differences between continental and maritime areas etc, plus a little allowance for ocean currents, suggests that much of the Gobi desert, southern pakistan, iran, saudi arabia, somalia, southern ethiopia and kenya (punt and ophir!) should be fairly well watered, not the deserts or semi deserts they are today! and some of the northern sahara as well perhaps. in contradistinction it suggests that some parts of central africa west of the rift valley should be in a rain shadow! 

so is it that some very skilled ugandan witch doctors have been diverting the worlds rains since.. since.. since the time it was last wet around the Sphinx? or since the divergance of indian elephants form african elephants as a species, blocked of by the arabian deserts?

now i happen to be a pagan and a heathen and in the nordic traditions the southern lands are called muspellheim... could this mean "my spell land" and land made desert by a wheather spell?

and who casted the wheather spell? could it have been Lo-Ki the sky demon? is not the main name worshipped by bantu africans Lu or Lo? perhaps he didnt like egyptians or arameans or morrocans or yemenis going south to disturb his people? or was to punish somalians, tuaregs or gharamantes?

or is this a load of old cobblers!!! a cash reward for anyone providing information leading to the convction of Lo-Ki on a charge of ... of ... ???

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